don't egg him on

پیشنهاد کاربران

Don't egg him on" means to avoid encouraging someone to act, especially in a reckless or unwise manner.
✍️ "او را تشویق نکنید" /به معنای پرهیز از تشویق کسی برای عمل کردن، به ویژه به روشی بی ملاحظه یا ناپسند است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

✍️✍️ نماد عمل تحریک کردن کسی برای انجام کاری است که ممکن است به نفع او نباشد
👈مترادف: Encourage, provoke, incite
Even though he wants to fight, don't egg him on; it's not worth it.
She was about to quit her job, but her friends kept egging her on to stay.

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