don't cry over spilt milk


پیشنهاد کاربران

There's no reason to complain about something that can't be fixed
غصه گذشته را نخور. گذشته ها گذشته و تو هیچ کاری نمی توانی برای تغییر دادنش بکنی. شیر ریخته بر نمیگرده
Cry over spilled milk
🔰cry over spilled milk🔰
( UK also cry over spilt milk )
to feel sorry or sad about something that has already happened; used to emphasize that this is not helpful
. E. g
👈It's no use crying over spilled milk - he's spent all the money, and there's nothing you can do about it
👈It's a waste of time crying over spilt milk, he says; you just have to move on with your life
👈Here we are crying over spilled milk when we should be thinking about the future
🔰cry over spilled milk🔰
to express regret about something that has already happened or cannot be changed
. E. g
Yes, we made a mistake, but there’s no point in crying over spilled milk
🔰cry over spilt milk🔰
to waste time feeling sorry about an earlier mistake or problem that cannot be changed
. E. g
• It’s no use crying over spilt milk
• It is now too late to cry over spilt milk
• It was disappointing, to say the least, but there's no point crying over spilt milk
• Nora Simpson didn't believe in crying over spilt milk
:Alternative form
It's no use crying over spilt/spilled milk
ضرب المثل، با معادل فارسی:
۱ - گذشته ها گذشته
۲ - آب رفته به جوی باز نیاید.
۳ - آب ریخته جمع شدنی نیست ( جمع نمی شود ) .
۴ - حسرت روغن ریخته را مخور.
آب رفته به جوی باز نمی گردد؛ آن سبو بشکست و آن پیمانه ریخت
برای کاری که شده، غصه نخور!
غصه گذشته را نخور
