don't change horses in midstream

پیشنهاد کاربران

معنی تحت الفظی میشه وسط رودخانه اسبت را عوض نکن .
کاربرد: در انتخابات زیاد استفاده میشه و به افرادی که شناخت درستی از کاندیداها ندارند گفته میشه که سریع تصمیمشان را عوض نکنند .
معادل فارسی : از این شاخه به اون شاخه نپر .
🔰Don't change horses in midstream🔰
1. Do not try to choose or back a different political figure for an election after the decision has already been made or the position filled
. E. g
Many people are dissatisfied with the senator's performance but will likely carry his party's support through to the next election—don't change horses in midstream, as the saying goes
2. By extension, do not make major changes to a situation or course of action that is already underway
. E. g
I'm really not confident in the strength of my essay, but I guess I just have to see this one through at this point. Like they say, don't change horses in midstream
🔰change horses in midstream🔰
to choose a different leader or policy during a time when serious problems are being dealt with
🔰change horses in midstream🔰
to change your mind about something in the middle of doing it
To change one's plan or approach when an effort is already underway or at another inopportune time
Wikipedia. org@
🔰change horses in midstream🔰
to change to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of something else; to change from supporting one person or thing to another
Don't change horses in midstream
گفتار مشهور:
*وسط دعوا نرخ تعیین نکن*
