dog whistle politics

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term refers to the use of coded language or symbols that have a hidden meaning and are intended to appeal to a specific group while maintaining plausible deniability. It is often used in politics to appeal to racist sentiments without explicitly stating racist views.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این اصطلاح به استفاده از زبان رمزگذاری شده یا نمادهایی اطلاق می شود که معنای پنهانی دارند و با حفظ ابراز تجاهل ( خود را به جهل و ندانستن زدن ) ، برای جذب گروهی خاص در نظر گرفته شده است. اغلب در سیاست برای توسل به احساسات نژادپرستانه بدون بیان صریح دیدگاه های نژادپرستانه استفاده می شود.
For example, a politician might use phrases like “law and order” or “welfare queen” to appeal to racist stereotypes without overtly mentioning race.
In a discussion about political campaigns, someone might say, “Dog - whistle politics is a tactic used to appeal to a certain demographic without alienating others. ”
A journalist might write, “The candidate’s use of dog - whistle politics has sparked controversy and accusations of racism. ”

