doesn't have legs

پیشنهاد کاربران

The expression "doesn't have legs" or "does not have legs" is used to indicate that something lacks the ability to endure, stay relevant, or maintain interest. In the context of a story, issue, or scandal, if it is said that it "doesn't have legs, " it means that people are not interested in it or that it is unlikely to be successful or continue to be popular
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت doesn't have legs یا does not have legs برای نشان دادن اینکه چیزی توانایی تحمل، مرتبط ماندن یا حفظ علاقه را ندارد استفاده می شود. در زمینه یک داستان، موضوع یا رسوایی، اگر گفته شود که doesn't have legs به این معناست که مردم به آن علاقه ای ندارند یا بعید است که موفق شود یا همچنان محبوب باشد.
این اصطلاح معمولاً در اتاق های خبر، سیاست و بحث های عمومی برای انتقال این ایده استفاده می شود که یک موضوع یا داستان خاص فاقد جذابیت یا اهمیت پایدار است.
After the initial excitement surrounding the new product died down, it became clear that it didn't have legs; sales were slow and interest waned quickly.
Despite the media attention given to the celebrity couple's relationship issues, it seems that the story doesn't have legs anymore; public interest has faded away.

to have no support for what one thinks, says, or does
سرنخی ندارد
شاهدی ندارد
حرفی که میزند قابل اثبات نیست
Her case doesn't have any legs
پرونده او شاهد و مدرکی ندارد
