dodge the call

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Dodge the call" means to avoid answering or responding to a phone call or a request, often deliberately.
خودداری کردن از پاسخ دادن به تماس تلفنی یا درخواست، اغلب به طور عمدی.
به صورت استعاری، می تواند به معنای اجتناب از مسئولیت یا فرار از یک موقعیت که نیاز به توجه فرد دارد، باشد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

He decided to dodge the call because he knew it was his boss asking about the overdue report.
Whenever she doesn't want to deal with something, she dodges the call.
They dodged the call, pretending they were busy.
مترادف؛ Avoid the call, ignore the call, evade the call
متضاد؛ Answer the call, respond, pick up
