
معنی: کودن، کند ذهن
معانی دیگر: کودن، کند ذهن

مترادف ها

کودن (صفت)
slight, fat-witted, backward, dull, dimwitted, slow, unintelligent, lumpish, beef-brained, blate, blockish, muddle-headed, thick-witted, witless, cockeyed, crass, stockish, doddering, fat-headed, feeble-minded, half-wit, unapt

کند ذهن (صفت)
dumb, dimwitted, stupid, beef-brained, imbecile, obtuse, retardate, slow-witted

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• stupid, dull, simpleminded
stupid, slow, unintelligent

پیشنهاد کاربران

Lacking in intelligence, stupid
منابع• https://www.thefreedictionary.com/dimwitted
احمق - کودن - سبک سر
What do you think about adonis ?
This name makes me think of a dimwitted, muscular, arrogant male model who parades around in white speedos and dates multiple women at once. It's not a name that sounds very dignified or respectable.
