dig someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

to like or admire someone, often in a romantic or sexual way/ to understand or appreciate someone's style or way of doing things
درک یا قدردانی کردن از سبک یا روش انجام کارهای کسی
دوست داشتن یا تحسین کسی، اغلب به شیوه ای عاشقانه یا جنسی
[مشاهده متن کامل]

I really dig him
I really dig her sense of humor. She always knows how to make me laugh
He's not my usual type, but there's something about him that I just dig
I don't really dig that restaurant. The food is okay, but the atmosphere is not my style
My dad doesn't really dig my taste in music, but that's okay. I like what I like
She doesn't dig people who are always late, so make sure you're on time for your meeting with her

منابع• https://poe.com/s/8X6itBoax0TVNMd6C46F
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