

معنی: خراب
معانی دیگر: (verb transitive) ویران کردن، خراب کردن، تاراج کردن

جمله های نمونه

1. a country devastated by war
کشوری که جنگ آن را ویران کرده است

2. tremendous plagues of rats have devastated the rice fields
هجوم مهیب موش های صحرایی موجب از بین رفتن مزارع برنج شده است.

مترادف ها

خراب (صفت)
desolate, bad, spoiled, rotten, ill, ruined, devastated, impaired, ruinous, miscreant, depraved, rotten-hearted, tumble-down, wasted

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• destroyed, demolished; upset, crushed; hopeless
if you are devastated by something, you are very shocked and upset by it.

پیشنهاد کاربران

دچار ناراحتی و غصه شدید شدن
Fucked up
. e. g
I remember a time when I forgot an important appointment with my dentist. It was a few years ago when I was very busy with work and other commitments. I had made the appointment several months in advance and had written it down in my planner, but somehow it slipped my mind
[مشاهده متن کامل]

The day of the appointment, I woke up early and got ready for work as usual. I was so busy rushing around that I didn’t even look at my planner to check what was on my schedule for the day. I went to work and spent the day in meetings and completing tasks, completely forgetting about my dental appointment
It wasn’t until later that day, when I happened to glance at my planner, that I realized my mistake. ⭐I was devastated⭐. I knew that missing the appointment could have serious consequences for my dental health, not to mention the fact that I had wasted my dentist’s time

🔍 دوستان مشتقات ( derivatives ) این کلمه اینها هستند:
فعل ( verb ) : devastate
اسم ( noun ) : devastation
صفت ( adjective ) : devastating / devastated
قید ( adverb ) : devastatingly
ویران، ویرانه شده، داغون، داغون و خراب.
He was devasted او بهم میریخت
داغون , ویران ؛ شوکه
# The area has been devastated by war
# Thousands of people have left their devastated villages
# She was devastated when her elder brother died
# I was devastated when the doctor told me the news
extremely shocked or disgusted
She adored her elder brother, and she was devastated when he died.
او عاشق برادر بزرگترش بود و وقتی او مرد داغان شد.
adjective :
بسیار شوکه شده و غمگین
Extremely upset
she was left feeling totally devastated
Extremely sad or shocked
very shocked and upset by something
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٩)
