
پیشنهاد کاربران

A playful term used to describe a reliable and trustworthy friend or acquaintance, usually male. It implies someone who can be counted on in various situations and is supportive.
اصطلاح شوخ طبهانه
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دوست یا آشنا قابل اعتماد و وفادار، معمولاً مرد.
این به شخصی اشاره دارد که می توان در موقعیت های مختلف روی او حساب کرد و حمایت کننده است.
I know I can always count on my dependabro to help me move.
In a group of friends, someone might say, “We need a dependabro to organize this event and make sure everything runs smoothly. ”
A person might introduce their friend to others by saying, “This is my dependabro. He’s always there for me when I need him. ”
