

(به ویژه از بیمارستان روانی) مرخص کردن، رها کردن

بررسی کلمه

فعل گذرا ( transitive verb )
حالات: deinstitutionalizes, deinstitutionalizing, deinstitutionalized
(1) تعریف: to enable (one who has been institutionalized, such as a mental patient) to live away from the institution, within the community.

(2) تعریف: to remove the status or stigma of an institution from.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• discharge a person (such as a mental patient) from institutional care (such as a hospital, asylum etc.) for placement in the community; reform or modify an institution as to remove its stigma (also deinstitutionalise)

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