death throes

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• spasms suffered by a dying person
death throes are violent, uncontrolled movements which people sometimes make while they are dying, especially if they are suffering great pain.
the death throes of something are its final stages, just before it fails or ends completely.

پیشنهاد کاربران

( حالت ) جان کندن، سکرات موت
the process of dying or ending in a very painful or unpleasant way. It can also be used figuratively to describe the final stages of a failing industry or organization.
روند مردن یا پایان دادن به چیزی با روشی بسیار دردناک یا ناخوشایند. همچنین می تواند به صورت مجازی برای توصیف مراحل نهایی یک صنعت یا سازمان شکست خورده استفاده شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Mercutio, fatally stabbed, staggers round the stage in his death throes.
The government was in its death throes.
The opera ends with the hero in his death throes.
The death throes of a failing industry can be painful to watch.
The dying animal was writhing in death throes.

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