Dead : بی خطا، بی لغزش، دقیق، درست هم معنی میده
For example, if someone predicts the outcome of a game correctly, you might say, “Wow, you were dead on with that prediction. ”
In a conversation about someone’s behavior, you might comment, “Your analysis of their actions is dead on. ”
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
If someone gives you directions and you follow them perfectly, you could say, “I followed your instructions and arrived dead on time. ”
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
زدی تو خال.
مانند you hit the nail on the head
مانند you hit the nail on the head
دقیقا، عینّه، خودِ خودش
کاملاً درست، کاملاً دقیق.
https://www. merriam - webster. com/dictionary/dead - on