dead man walking

پیشنهاد کاربران

1 -
a prisoner who is going to be executed ( = legally killed as a punishment )
انگلیسی امریکایی
زندانی که قرار است اعدام شود ( = قانوناً به عنوان مجازات کشته می شود )
The documentary focuses on a prison chaplain who dealt with 95 "dead men walking".
[مشاهده متن کامل]

2 -
someone who will certainly lose their job, position, title, etc. very soon
کسی که مطمئناً به زودی شغل، موقعیت، عنوان و غیره خود را از دست خواهد داد
The Prime Minister is a dead man walking.
He survived the scandal but was widely considered a dead man walking going into the election.
The team were dead men walking when they came onto the pitch.

It is from prison language originally . a
person waiting to be executed
A person with no future in his job
A politician with no future
ریشه :این اصطلاح از زندان ریشه گرفته و منظور اعدامی ها هستند که الان راه می روند ولی در واقع بزودی خواهند مرد .
[مشاهده متن کامل]

استعاره از کسی که به دلیل رسوایی مالی - سیاسی - عملکرد ضعیف یا هر علت دیگری از کار کنار گذاشته خواهد شد.

someone who will certainly lose their job, position, title, etc. very soon:
The Prime Minister is a dead man walking.
