czech republic

بررسی کلمه

اسم ( noun )
• : تعریف: since 1993, a Central European republic bordered by Germany, Poland, the Slovak Republic, and Austria; formerly part of Czechoslovakia.

جمله های نمونه

1. The River Elbe flows through the Czech Republic.
[ترجمه گوگل]رودخانه البه از جمهوری چک می گذرد
[ترجمه ترگمان]رود الب از طریق جمهوری چک جاری می شود
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

2. The Czech Republic, for example, has now reduced its party system to eight major parties.
[ترجمه گوگل]به عنوان مثال، جمهوری چک اکنون سیستم حزبی خود را به هشت حزب اصلی کاهش داده است
[ترجمه ترگمان]برای مثال، جمهوری چک در حال حاضر سیستم حزب خود را به هشت حزب اصلی تقلیل داده است
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

3. Poland, the Czech Republic, and other countries liberated from Soviet rule have done very well economically.
[ترجمه گوگل]لهستان، جمهوری چک و سایر کشورهایی که از حاکمیت شوروی آزاد شده اند از نظر اقتصادی بسیار خوب عمل کرده اند
[ترجمه ترگمان]لهستان، جمهوری چک، و کشورهای دیگر آزاد شده از حاکمیت شوروی، از نظر اقتصادی بسیار خوب عمل کرده اند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

4. The Czech Republic has a long artistic tradition.
[ترجمه گوگل]جمهوری چک دارای یک سنت هنری طولانی است
[ترجمه ترگمان]جمهوری چک یک سنت هنری طولانی دارد
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

5. Prague, Czech Republic; and is globally represented by an extensive partner network.
[ترجمه گوگل]پراگ، جمهوری چک؛ و در سطح جهانی توسط یک شبکه شریک گسترده ارائه می شود
[ترجمه ترگمان]پراگ، جمهوری چک؛ و در سطح جهانی به نمایندگی از یک شبکه گسترده شریک است
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

6. In the Czech Republic - the cradle of radial drilling machine manufacturers.
[ترجمه گوگل]در جمهوری چک - مهد تولید کنندگان ماشین های حفاری شعاعی
[ترجمه ترگمان]در جمهوری چک - مهد تولید کننده ماشین حفاری شعاعی
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

7. Tomas Rosicky failed to help his Czech Republic team mates produce a result against a determined and energetic Ghanian side.
[ترجمه گوگل]توماس روسیچکی نتوانست به هم تیمی هایش در جمهوری چک کمک کند تا مقابل تیم مصمم و پرانرژی غنی به نتیجه برسند
[ترجمه ترگمان]توماس Rosicky در کمک به هم تیمی های خود در جمهوری چک موفق به تولید یک نتیجه قاطع و پر انرژی شد
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

8. The fourth seat Thomas Berdych of the Czech Republic swarf Germany's Nicholas Kiefer in straight set, and there were also straight forward wins for Micheal Youzhny and Marcos Baghdatis.
[ترجمه گوگل]صندلی چهارم توماس بردیخ از جمهوری چک در ست مستقیم مقابل نیکلاس کیفر از آلمان قرار گرفت و همچنین پیروزی مستقیم برای مایکل یوژنی و مارکوس بغداتیس به دست آمد
[ترجمه ترگمان]کرسی چهارم توماس Berdych از جمهوری چک، نیکولاس کیفر آلمان را در راه راست قرار داد، و همچنین were Youzhny و مارکوس Baghdatis پیروز شدند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

9. Jan Kavan of the Czech Republic is the current General Assembly president.
[ترجمه گوگل]یان کاوان از جمهوری چک رئیس فعلی مجمع عمومی است
[ترجمه ترگمان]جان Kavan از جمهوری چک، رئیس کنونی مجمع عمومی است
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

10. Poland lies along Belarus 'western border, while the Czech Republic lies further to the southwest.
[ترجمه گوگل]لهستان در امتداد مرز غربی بلاروس قرار دارد، در حالی که جمهوری چک در جنوب غربی قرار دارد
[ترجمه ترگمان]لهستان در امتداد مرز غربی بلاروس قرار دارد، در حالی که جمهوری چک بیشتر در جنوب غربی قرار دارد
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

11. In recent years the Czech Republic has become Europe's chief methamphetamine producer.
[ترجمه گوگل]در سال های اخیر جمهوری چک به تولیدکننده اصلی متامفتامین در اروپا تبدیل شده است
[ترجمه ترگمان]در سال های اخیر جمهوری چک به تولید کننده methamphetamine اروپا تبدیل شده است
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

12. On those grounds we can cross off the two Central European countries (Czech Republic and Poland).
[ترجمه گوگل]بر این اساس ما می توانیم دو کشور اروپای مرکزی (جمهوری چک و لهستان) را از هم جدا کنیم
[ترجمه ترگمان]ما می توانیم از دو کشور اروپای مرکزی (جمهوری چک و لهستان)عبور کنیم
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

13. The Baltics, the Czech Republic and Slovenia have no big far-right parties.
[ترجمه گوگل]کشورهای بالتیک، جمهوری چک و اسلوونی احزاب راست افراطی بزرگی ندارند
[ترجمه ترگمان]Baltics، جمهوری چک و اسلوونی هیچ کدام از احزاب راست و راست نیستند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

14. The Czech Republic, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia, plus the Mediterranean islands of Cyrus and Malta all became members.
[ترجمه گوگل]جمهوری چک، لهستان، جمهوری اسلواکی و اسلوونی، به علاوه جزایر کوروش و مالت در دریای مدیترانه همگی به عضویت آن درآمدند
[ترجمه ترگمان]جمهوری چک، لهستان، جمهوری اسلوواکی و اسلوونی، به اضافه جزایر Mediterranean و مالت همگی عضو این کشور شدند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• country in central europe (formerly part of czechoslovakia)
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.
the czech republic, consisting of moravia and bohemia, was formed in 1993, following an agreement between the czech and slovak leaders to split the czechoslovak federation. v?clav klaus, of the civic democratic party (ods), was elected prime minister in 1992. v?clav havel was elected first president of the czech republic by the legislature in 1993. the czech republic exports machinery and other manufactured goods, glass, and beer. it is a member of the council of europe.

پیشنهاد کاربران

cheque = چک
check = چک ، بررسی کردن
Czech Republic = جمهوری چک
جمهوری چک که پایتخت آن پراگ ( Prague ) می باشد
جمهوری چک
