cut the fat

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is often used in a metaphorical sense to mean removing unnecessary or excessive elements from a process, system, or organization, in order to make it more efficient or streamlined.
معنای استعاری
[مشاهده متن کامل]

حذف کردن عناصر غیر ضروری یا بیش از حد از یک فرآیند، سیستم یا سازمان به منظور کارآمدتر کردن یا چابک سازی آن
We need to cut the fat and eliminate any non - essential steps in our production process.
In a discussion about budgeting, someone might suggest, “Cutting the fat from our expenses will help us save money. ”
A consultant might advise, “In order to streamline your business, you need to cut the fat and focus on your core competencies. ”
