cut somone some slack

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Cut someone some slack" is a common expression used to ask for leniency or compassion towards someone who has made a mistake or is going through a difficult time. It means to give someone a break or to be less critical of their actions.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت رایجی است برای درخواست نرمش یا شفقت نسبت به کسی که مرتکب اشتباه شده یا دوران سختی را پشت سر می گذارد. به این معنی است که به کسی فرصت بدهید یا کمتر از اعمالش انتقاد کنید.
1. "I know John's running late again, but he's had a really rough week. Can't we cut him some slack?"
2. "I'm sorry I screwed up the proposal. I just started the new job and am still getting used to everything. Can you cut me some slack?"
3. "My kid didn't mean to break the lamp. They're just learning how to play ball. Can you please cut them some slack?"
4. "I haven't been able to finish the report on time because I've been juggling multiple projects. Can you cut me some slack and give me a day's extension?"
5. "I know Sophie didn't follow the dress code, but she's new here and didn't realise. Can you cut her

to not judge someone as severely as you usually would because they are having problems at the present time
