
پیشنهاد کاربران

A term is applied to someone who is a cunt. . . . This can 🌠 apply to males or females.
Look at what your Cunting daughter just did, , , , , she has ◀️ ruined everything.
🌠When something is not working correctly
[مشاهده متن کامل]

1 ) Gramps is cunting right now, we've been taking bong rips in his Jeep for hours and he still hasn't realized
2 ) dude, my printer is cunting right now
🌠 Cunting is the art form of going out to pursue female ( s ) for sexual activities with all orientations. i. e hunting for cunt = cunting
Let’s go cunting at the bar tonight. Let’s do it!
🌠. when you are desperately searching for a women to do sexual things with.
im going cunting, i need some sex.
