covert advertising

پیشنهاد کاربران

a hidden form of advertisement
تبلیغاتی که خیلی علنی نیست مثل تبلیغات در فیلمها
Covert advertising is a form of advertising that is hidden in another media. It is also known as hidden advertising or stealth marketing. This type of advertising is designed to be subtle and not immediately recognizable as an advertisement. The goal of covert advertising is to create a psychological imprint on the mind of the consumer.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

تبلیغات پنهان نوعی تبلیغات است که در رسانه دیگری پنهان می شود. به عنوان تبلیغات پنهان یا بازاریابی مخفی نیز شناخته می شود. این نوع تبلیغات به گونه ای طراحی شده است که ظریف باشد و بلافاصله به عنوان یک تبلیغ قابل تشخیص نباشد. هدف از تبلیغات مخفی ایجاد یک اثر روانی در ذهن مصرف کننده است.
A character in a movie drinks a particular brand of soda, and the label of the soda is clearly visible to the audience. This is an example of covert advertising.
The movie was criticized for its use of covert advertising.
The company was fined for engaging in covert advertising practices.
The billboard was designed to look like street art, but it was actually a form of covert advertising.

