
درمقابل یکدیگر قرار دادن، متقابل ساختن

پیشنهاد کاربران

↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک root word داریم به اسم counter ( اغلب به عنوان یک prefix ( پیشوند ) استفاده می شود )
📌 این ریشه، معادل "opposite" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این ریشه را در خود داشته باشند، به "opposite" مربوط هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

📂 مثال:
🔘 counteract: To act in the opposite direction to neutralize or reverse an effect
🔘 counterbalance: To offset or balance by acting in the opposite direction
🔘 counterfeit: To make a false copy of something, usually as an opposite to the original
🔘 counterattack: A retaliatory attack made in response to an initial attack, often opposite in direction
🔘 countermeasure: An action taken to counteract an opposite threat or danger
🔘 counterproductive: Having the opposite effect of what was intended, hindering progress
🔘 counterpoint: An idea or argument that contrasts with or opposes another
🔘 counterclaim: A claim made to oppose or contradict a previous claim
🔘 counterexample: An example used to oppose or refute a generalization or theory
🔘 counterpart: A person or thing that corresponds to or has the opposite function of another
🔘 counterclockwise: Moving in the opposite direction of the hands of a clock
🔘 counterculture: A cultural movement that opposes the mainstream or dominant culture
🔘 counterterrorism: Actions or policies designed to oppose terrorism
🔘 countermand: To cancel or reverse an order
🔘 counterintuitive: Opposite to what one would intuitively expect
🔘 counterrevolution: A revolution opposing the original revolution
🔘 countervailing: Acting against or balancing an opposite force
🔘 counterproposal: A proposal made in response to oppose the original one
🔘 counterpoint: An opposite or contrasting element in a discussion
🔘 countercharge: A charge made in response to an accusation
🔘 counterattack: A retaliatory action in response to an opposite attack
🔘 countercurrent: A current moving in the opposite direction
🔘 counteroffer: An offer made in response to an initial offer
🔘 counterpose: To place in opposition or contrast
🔘 counterexample: An example used to refute a statement or claim
🔘 counterproductive: Leading to results opposite of what is intended
🔘 counterthought: A thought that opposes another or challenges it
🔘 counterpart: A corresponding opposite entity
🔘 counterstrike: A strike in response to an initial strike
🔘 counterview: An opposing or alternative view

مقابله کردن،
تذکر:گاه به اشتباه از واژه مقایسه، برای شناسایی شباهت ها و یا تفاوت ها بین دو چیز، استفاده می شود که از لحاظ دستوری صحیح نیست. مثلاً به جای : مقایسه دو واژه، باید بگوییم مقابله دو واژه و مانند آن. به این جمله توجه کنید:
[مشاهده متن کامل]

In this sense, ‘cultural
translation’ is counterposed to a ‘linguistic’ or
‘grammatical’ translation that is limited in scope
to the sentences on the page
