couch time

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term refers to the time spent on a therapist’s couch during a therapy session. It is a casual and lighthearted way to talk about the process of therapy.
این اصطلاح به زمان صرف شده روی کاناپه درمانگر در طول یک جلسه درمانی اشاره دارد. این یک روش معمولی و ساده برای صحبت در مورد روند درمان است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“I had my weekly couch time today and it was really helpful. ”
A person might say, “I’m looking forward to my couch time tomorrow. It’s a chance to work through my issues. ”
In a conversation about mental health, someone might mention, “Couch time has become an important part of my self - care routine. ”

