To "cop out on someone" means to avoid or shirk responsibility, often by making excuses or failing to fulfill an obligation or commitment to that person. ✍️ "شانه خالی کردن از زیر بار مسئولیت برای کسی" / با آوردن بهانه یا انجام ندادن یک تعهد یا وظیفه، از زیر مسئولیت فرار کردن.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
✍️✍️ناامید کردن کسی یا عدم حمایت از او در زمانی که نیاز دارد
👈مترادف: Abandon, fail, evade, shirk
1. He promised to help with the project, but he copped out on us at the last minute.
2. She said she would attend the meeting, but then she copped out on them by making an excuse.
3. They were counting on him to lead the team, but he copped out on them when they needed him most.