

(مسیحیت)، سازمان های کلیسایی برپایه ی خودمختاری هر کلیسا و اعضای آن، استقلال هرکلیسابرای اداره کارهای قضایی وانتظامی خود

بررسی کلمه

اسم ( noun )
مشتقات: congregationalist (adj.), congregationalist (n.)
(1) تعریف: a form of church government in which each member church or congregation is self-governing.

(2) تعریف: (cap.) the religious beliefs or doctrines of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self-governing.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• form of church government (protestantism)

پیشنهاد کاربران

a section of the Protestant Christian Church that was formed in the 17th century, believing that each church should organize and govern itself, rather than being under the authority of a bishop or other church official:
[مشاهده متن کامل]

بخشی از کلیسای مسیحی پروتستان که در قرن هفدهم تشکیل شد و معتقد بود که هر کلیسا باید خود را سازماندهی و اداره کند، نه اینکه تحت اقتدار یک اسقف یا دیگر مقامات کلیسا باشد
In the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Congregationalism was the established religion.
Congregationalism emphasizes the right and responsibility of each congregation to determine its affairs, eliminating the authority of bishops.

