

معنی: سرتاسر
معانی دیگر: یکسر,کاملا,تماما,بکلی

بررسی کلمه

قید ( adverb )
• : تعریف: entirely; absolutely.

- He scrubbed his hands until they were completely clean.
[ترجمه نیو] او دستانش را تا هنگامی که به خوبی پاک شدند، شست و شو داد.
[ترجمه گوگل] دست هایش را آنقدر تمیز کرد تا کاملا تمیز شوند
[ترجمه ترگمان] دست هایش را پاک کرد تا اینکه کام لا تمیز شدند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

جمله های نمونه

1. completely discomfited, the robbers fled the scene
راهزنان که کاملا ناکام شده بودند از صحنه فرار کردند.

2. two completely dissimilar cultures
دو فرهنگ کاملا ناهمانند

3. he is completely beat
او کاملا خسته است.

4. he is completely down today
او امروز خیلی گرفته است.

5. he is completely fucked up
وضع روحی او خیلی خراب است.

6. he is completely in his wife's power
او کاملا تحت نفوذ زنش است.

7. he is completely innocent of mathmatics
او اصلا از ریاضیات سر در نمی آورد.

8. he was completely ignorant of his mother's cancer
او اصلا از سرطان مادرش بی اطلاع بود.

9. he was completely innocent of the trouble he had caused
اوکاملا از دردسری که درست کرده بود بی خبر بود.

10. he was completely intoxicated
او کاملا مست شده بود.

11. i am completely fagged out
از خستگی رمق ندارم.

12. i am completely in the dark about their true intention
از منظور واقعی آنها اصلا سردر نمی آورم.

13. i was completely graveled by her reasoning
استدلال او مرا کاملا گیج کرد.

14. john is completely snowed under with work
جان از شدت کار فرصت سرخاراندن هم ندارد.

15. she has completely satisfied our graduation requirements
او تمام اقدامات برای فارغ التحصیل شدن ما را انجام داده است.

16. she was completely discomfited by the unexpected question
آن پرسش غیرمنتظره کاملا او را پکر کرد.

17. commercial advertisements have completely saturated the city
شهر از آگهی های تبلیغاتی کاملا اشباع شده است.

18. he immerses himself completely in his work
او خود را کاملا غرق در کار می کند.

19. his actions were completely without warrant
اعمال او به هیچ وجه قابل توجیه نبودند.

20. his face was completely expressionless
چهره اش بیانگر هیچ احساسی نبود.

21. our basement was completely inundated
زیرزمین ما پر از آب شده بود.

22. that man is completely without humor
آن مرد اصلا شوخ نیست.

23. the building was completely consumed by fire
ساختمان در اثر آتش (سوزی) کاملا از بین رفت.

24. the house is completely furnished
خانه کاملا مبله است.

25. the road was completely blocked
راه کاملا بند آمده بود.

26. the room was completely silent except for the buzzing of a bee
اتاق غرق در سکوت بود و فقط صدای وز وز یک زنبور می آمد.

27. their attack was completely without justification
حمله ی آنها کاملا بدون عذر موجه بود.

28. this neighborhood is completely built-up
این محله کاملا ساخته شده است.

29. disease and age had completely debilitated him
بیماری و پیری او را کاملا نزار کرده بود.

30. he rejected our proposal completely out of hand
او پیشنهاد ما را به کلی رد کرد.

31. her answer floored me completely
پاسخ او مرا کاملا گیج کرد.

32. his theories are now completely defunct
نظریه های او اکنون کاملا منسوخ شده است.

33. i was eighteen and completely broke!
هیجده ساله بودم و کاملا مفلس (آس و پاس)!

34. in his talk he completely bypassed the question of ethics
در نطق خود اصلا به اخلاقیات اشاره ای نکرد.

35. the car's radiator is completely corroded
رادیاتور اتومبیل کاملا زنگ زده است.

36. the school burned down completely
(ساختمان) مدرسه کاملا سوخت.

37. the third floor was completely gutted
طبقه ی سوم کاملا سوخته بود.

38. to strip a child completely for a medical examination
برای معاینه ی پزشکی کودک را کاملا برهنه کردن

39. after his marriage, reza became completely domesticated
بعد از ازدواج رضا کاملا اهل خانه و زندگی شد.

40. after the exams, i was completely burnt out
بعد از امتحانات کاملا از پا افتاده بودم.

41. he exclaimed that he was completely innocent
او بانگ زد که کاملا بی گناه است.

42. he insisted that he was completely innocent
او مصرانه ادعا می کرد که کاملا بی گناه است.

43. my grandfather's old sword was completely rusted
شمشیر کهنه ی پدر بزرگم کاملا زنگ زده بود.

44. some latin phrases have become completely naturalized in the english language
برخی عبارت های لاتین کاملا جای خود را در زبان انگلیسی باز کرده اند.

45. the airplane crashed and disintegrated completely
هواپیما بر زمین خورد و کاملا متلاشی شد.

46. the clamber up the wall completely exhausted her
چهار دست و پا بالا رفتن از دیوار او را کاملا خسته کرد.

47. the meat smelled and was completely inedible
گوشت بو گرفته و کاملا غیرقابل خوردن بود.

48. after that long walk, i feel completely sapped
پس از آن راه پیمایی طولانی احساس می کنم که به کلی از رمق افتاده ام.

49. at that time her name was completely strange to me
در آن زمان نام او برایم کاملا نامانوس بود.

50. the bride's family ignored us almost completely
خانواده ی عروس خیلی به ما کم محلی کردند.

51. the crown of his head is completely bald
فرق سرش کاملا بی مو است.

52. the heels of his shoes are completely scuffed
پاشنه ی کفش های او کاملا ساییده شده است.

53. the product is touted as being completely natural
ادعا شده که این محصول صد در صد طبیعی است.

54. the reports being bandied about are completely false
گزارش هایی که دهان به دهان می گردد کاملا دروغ است.

55. to mediate a mediator must be completely neutral
برای حل و فصل اختلافات،میانجی گر باید بی طرف باشد.

56. farmers whom disease and poverty had ravaged completely
روستاییانی که بیماری و فقر آنان را کاملا به حال زار در آورده بود

57. the behavior of that drunken man was completely irrational
رفتار آن مرد مست کاملا نامعقول بود.

58. the factory's machinery has not yet been completely installed
ماشین آلات کارخانه هنوز کاملا سوار نشده است.

59. the marriage of his daughter busted javad completely
ازدواج دخترش جواد را حسابی مفلس کرد.

60. the soil around the river has been completely eroded
خاک های اطراف رودخانه کاملا دچار فرسایش شده است.

61. the testimony of three students vindicated him completely
شهادت سه نفر از دانشجویان حق را کاملا به او داد.

62. we asked him questions, but he was completely mum
از او چند پرسش کردیم ولی او کاملا خاموش بود.

63. after the death of her husband, she felt completely desolate
پس از مرگ شوهرش کاملا احساس بی کسی می کرد.

64. as far as drinking is concerned, he is completely out of hand
از نظر میخوارگی،او کاملا از دست در رفته است.

65. he had a fever and his sinuses were completely congested
او تب داشت و سینوس های او کاملا گرفته بود.

66. his strange behavior after his son's death is completely accountable
رفتار عجیب و غریب او پس از مرگ پسرش کاملا قابل توجیه است.

67. i opened the suitcase and found my shirts completely crumpled
چمدان را باز کردم و دیدم پیراهن هایم کاملا چروکیده شده اند.

68. the political ideas of that (married) couple coincide completely
عقاید سیاسی آن زن و شوهر کاملا متوافق اند.

69. the radio fell to the ground and went completely haywire
رادیو بر زمین افتاد و کاملا خراب شد.

70. the traffic jam had filled the road up completely
تراکم وسایط نقلیه راه را کاملا بسته بود.

مترادف ها

سرتاسر (قید)
through, crosswise, crossways, throughout, all over, overall, entirely, totally, thru, cap-a-pie, completely


[ریاضیات] کاملا، تماما، به طول کامل

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• totally, entirely

پیشنهاد کاربران

کاملاً، به طور کامل - قید
I completely forgot about the meeting
به کلی، یکسره - قید
The building was completely destroyed
تماماً، تمام وکمال - قید
I am completely satisfied with your work
[مشاهده متن کامل]

( به صورت عامیانه ) حسابی، به طور کامل - قید
She was completely exhausted after the marathon
( در محاوره ) درب وداغان، به طور کامل خراب - قید
The car was completely wrecked in the accident
( در حالت اغراق آمیز ) صددرصد، کاملاً - قید
Im completely sure about this
( به صورت تأکیدی ) مطلقاً، کاملاً - قید
You are completely wrong

↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک prefix داریم به اسم com
📌 این پیشوند، معادل "thoroughly" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این پیشوند را در خود داشته باشند، به معنای "thoroughly" یا "completely" اشاره دارند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

📂 مثال:
🔘 Comestible: thoroughly prepared to be eaten
🔘 Complicity: thorough involvement in a bad or illegal situation
🔘 Discomfit: to thoroughly embarrass or frustrate someone
🔘 Complacent: being thoroughly self - satisfied, often to a fault
🔘 Compunction: a thorough feeling of guilt about doing something wrong
🔘 Comport: to thoroughly behave in a particular way
🔘 Complaisant: thoroughly willing to please others without complaint
🔘 Commutation: the thorough reduction of a punishment to something less severe
🔘 Commandeer: to thoroughly take something by force
🔘 Commemorate: to thoroughly honor or remember someone
🔘 Commendation: thorough praise for excellent work
🔘 Competent: thoroughly skilled or able to do something well
🔘 Compliant: thoroughly willing to obey or follow rules
🔘 Compulsion: a thorough urge to do something you feel you must do
🔘 Discombobulated: thoroughly confused or upset by unexpected events
🔘 Encompass: to thoroughly include or surround something
🔘 Composure: thorough calmness, even in tough situations
🔘 Comply: to thoroughly obey or yield to demands
🔘 Compromise: to thoroughly endanger or weaken something, such as safety
🔘 Commotion: thorough noisy disturbance or activity
🔘 Comprehend: to thoroughly understand or grasp an idea
🔘 Complicated: thoroughly difficult to understand due to many parts
🔘 Completely: thoroughly or fully done
🔘 Commitment: a thorough promise or agreement to stick to something
🔘 Accomplish: to thoroughly complete or achieve something
🔘 Complex: thoroughly difficult due to many interconnected parts
🔘 Recommend: to thoroughly suggest something useful or good
🔘 Comfort: thorough assistance, often in difficult times
🔘 Complete: to thoroughly bring something to an end

از صفر تا صد
به کُل
در ترجمه ی بعضی عبارات �مطلق� و مطلقاً� خوب جواب می دهد.
مثلاً �شکست مطلق� و . . .
مثال: The job is completely finished.
کار کاملاً تمام شده است.
complete: کامل
completely: کاملا
well and truly
I went out and got well and truly ( =completely ) drunk
🔍 دوستان مشتقات ( derivatives ) این کلمه اینها هستند:
✅ فعل ( verb ) : complete / complement
✅️ اسم ( noun ) : completion / completeness / complement / complementarity
✅️ صفت ( adjective ) : complete / complementary
✅️ قید ( adverb ) : completely / complementarily
good and proper
I completely agree
کاملا موافقم
به تمامی
کامل، مطلق
کامل ، کاملا ، به طور کامل 😊💖
به طور کامل

مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٨)
