comparison shop

پیشنهاد کاربران

=other verbs for shopping activities
1=browse}: take ones time looking at thing without necessarily wanting to buy anything }
2=bargain hunt }: look around for things one can buy cheaply for less than their usual price }
[مشاهده متن کامل]

3=comparison shop }: look at the prices of the same or similar items in order to decide which to buy }
4= window shop }: look at things in store windows without going inside or intending to buy them }
مقایسه قیمت برای خرید ارزانتر

بررسی قیمت های مختلف یک نوع کالا در فروشگاه های مختلف
چک کردن قیمت ( مثلا در مورد خرید یک جنس در فروشگاه های مختلف )
Look at the prices of the same or similar items in order yo decide which to buy
