cold open

پیشنهاد کاربران

( در آغاز فیلم یا سریال ) پرداختن به داستان قبل از تیتراژ یا موسیقی ابتدایی
A "cold open" is a term commonly used in television and film production. It refers to the practice of starting a show or movie with a scene or
[مشاهده متن کامل]

sequence that occurs before the opening credits or theme song. Unlike a traditional opening sequence, a cold open doesn't provide any context or explanation; it jumps directly into the action or a specific scenario.
The purpose of a cold open is to capture the audience's attention from the very beginning, creating intrigue or setting the tone for the rest of the show or movie. It's often used to create suspense, introduce a key plot point, or showcase a particularly engaging or dramatic moment before the main storyline unfolds.
The term is also used in a similar way in some other contexts, such as in literature or presentations, to describe starting a piece without an introduction or preamble. In these cases, the idea is to grab the audience's interest immediately.

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