
پیشنهاد کاربران

Cointelpro was a covert and controversial FBI program that aimed to surveil, infiltrate, and disrupt various political organizations and movements in the United States. It is often associated with conspiracy theories and government manipulation.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Cointelpro یک برنامه مخفیانه و جنجالی FBI بود که هدف آن نظارت، نفوذ و اخلال در سازمان ها و جنبش های سیاسی مختلف در ایالات متحده بود. اغلب با تئوری های توطئه و دستکاری دولت همراه است.
“Cointelpro targeted civil rights activists and anti - war groups. ”
In a conversation about historical conspiracies, someone might say, “Cointelpro was a clear violation of civil liberties. ”
A person interested in conspiracy theories might ask, “Do you think Cointelpro is still active today?”

