clock something up

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Clock something up" is a phrasal verb that means to accumulate or reach a particular quantity or amount, especially through consistent or repeated actions. It is often used informally to describe gradually achieving a certain level or milestone.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

جمع کردن یا رسیدن به یک مقدار یا کمیت خاص، به ویژه از طریق اعمال مداوم یا تکراری.
اغلب به طور غیر رسمی برای توصیف دستیابی تدریجی به یک سطح یا نقطه عطف خاص استفاده می شود.
Sarah has managed to clock up over 100 hours of community service volunteering at the local shelter.
The ambitious entrepreneur was able to clock up an impressive number of sales within the first month of launching her business.
With his dedication and hard work, John was able to clock up enough practice hours to become a skilled pianist.

