clear as a bell

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• crystal clear, transparent, lucid

پیشنهاد کاربران

✍ Definition: Very easy to understand or hear 🔔📢
✅ Example: Her instructions were as clear as a bell.
This phrase is used to describe something that is very clear and easy to understand. It often refers to information or communication that is not ambiguous or confusing.
توصیف چیزی که بسیار واضح و قابل درک است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اغلب به اطلاعات یا ارتباطاتی اشاره دارد که مبهم یا گیج کننده نیستند.
Her instructions were clear as a bell, and I had no trouble following them.
In a discussion about a well - written article, someone might say, “The author’s points were clear as a bell. ”
When explaining a simple concept, someone might say, “It’s as clear as a bell: the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. ”

1 ) کاملا رسا. . . . قابل شنیدن
2 ) کاملا واضح. . . از دور داد میزنه!
