classic rock

پیشنهاد کاربران

Classic rock refers to a genre of music that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s and is considered to be the “classic” or foundational form of rock music. It encompasses bands and artists from that era who have had a significant impact on the development of rock music.
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به ژانری از موسیقی اشاره دارد که در دهه های 1960 و 1970 ظهور کرد و به عنوان شکل "کلاسیک" یا پایه موسیقی راک در نظر گرفته می شود. گروه ها و هنرمندان آن دورانی را در بر می گیرد که تأثیر بسزایی در توسعه موسیقی راک داشته اند.
Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones are iconic classic rock bands.
A music historian might say, “Classic rock represents a golden era in the history of rock music. ”
A fan of classic rock might exclaim, “I can’t get enough of bands like Pink Floyd and AC/DC!”

classic rock
