
پیشنهاد کاربران

the situation when the price of a product stays the same or increases but its main ingredient is present in a smaller amount or lower quality
وضعیتی که قیمت یک محصول ثابت می ماند یا حتی افزایش می یابد اما ماده اصلی آن در مقدار کمتر یا کیفیت پایین تر موجود است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این بدان معنی است که محصول به خوبی قبل نیست یا مواد اصلی کمتری دارد، اما همچنان قیمت آن به همان اندازه یا بیشتر است.
The company has been accused of engaging in cheapflation, reducing the amount of high - quality coffee beans in their blends without lowering the price.
The new recipe for the popular snack food has been criticized for practicing cheapflation, as it now contains less of the main ingredient than before.
After switching to a cheaper supplier, the manufacturer was accused of cheapflation when they increased the price of their product while reducing the quality of the raw materials.

