
پیشنهاد کاربران

This term originated in the UK and refers to a young person, often from a lower socioeconomic background, who engages in antisocial behavior, including theft. “Chav” can be used to describe someone who is involved in petty theft.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاح بریتانیایی/ به جوانی اشاره دارد که اغلب از یک پیشینه اجتماعی - اقتصادی پایینی برخوردار است و رفتارهای ضد اجتماعی از جمله دزدی انجام می دهد.
"chav" را می توان برای توصیف شخصی که در دزدی های کوچک دست دارد استفاده کرد.
The chavs in the neighborhood have been stealing bikes.
I caught a chav trying to steal my phone.
Chavs often target cars for theft due to their quick resale value.

بچه قرتی
chav /tʃ�v/ noun [countable] British English
an offensive word used especially by newspapers to talk about a young WORKING - CLASS person who is rude and aggressive, has a low level of education, and who wears a certain style of fashionable clothing such as trainers, sportswear, and baseball caps
