change horse in midstream

وسط دعوا نرخ تعیین کردن

پیشنهاد کاربران

“Change horses in midstream” is an idiom that means to change one’s plan or approach when an effort is already underway or at another inopportune time/ "Change horse in midstream" is a figurative expression that means to make a significant change or switch in the middle of a course of action, plan, or situation. It implies that the change is unexpected, drastic, and may cause disruption or confusion, much like changing horses in the middle of a river ( or stream ) can be difficult and disruptive. The expression suggests that such a change may not be well - timed or well - planned and could potentially lead to negative consequences.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

* اصطلاحی است به معنای تغییر برنامه یا رویکرد، زمانی که تلاشی در حال انجام است یا در زمان نامناسب دیگری.
*یک عبارت مجازی است که به معنای ایجاد تغییر یا تغییر قابل توجه در میانه یک اقدام، برنامه یا موقعیت است. این نشان می دهد که تغییر غیرمنتظره، شدید است و ممکن است باعث اختلال یا سردرگمی شود، دقیقاً مانند تغییر اسب در وسط یک رودخانه ( یا نهر ) می تواند دشوار و مخرب باشد. این بیان نشان می دهد که چنین تغییری ممکن است به موقع یا به خوبی برنامه ریزی نشده باشد و به طور بالقوه منجر به پیامدهای منفی شود.
We can’t change horses in midstream now. We need to stick to our original plan.
The company’s decision to change horses in midstream has caused a lot of confusion among employees.
I know you’re not happy with the current situation, but changing horses in midstream is not the solution.
The politician’s decision to change horses in midstream has cost him the support of many of his constituents.

معنی تحت الفظی میشه وسط رودخانه اسبت را عوض نکن .
کاربرد: در انتخابات زیاد استفاده میشه و به افرادی که شناخت درستی از کاندیداها ندارند گفته میشه که سریع تصمیمشان را عوض نکنند .
معادل فارسی : از این شاخه به اون شاخه نپر .
نرخ تعیین کردن اصولا زمانیه که طرف بخواد سوءاستفاده کنه
🔰Don't change horses in midstream🔰
1. Do not try to choose or back a different political figure for an election after the decision has already been made or the position filled
. E. g
Many people are dissatisfied with the senator's performance but will likely carry his party's support through to the next election—don't change horses in midstream, as the saying goes
2. By extension, do not make major changes to a situation or course of action that is already underway
. E. g
I'm really not confident in the strength of my essay, but I guess I just have to see this one through at this point. Like they say, don't change horses in midstream
🔰change horses in midstream🔰
to choose a different leader or policy during a time when serious problems are being dealt with
🔰change horses in midstream🔰
to change your mind about something in the middle of doing it
To change one's plan or approach when an effort is already underway or at another inopportune time
Wikipedia. org@
🔰change horses in midstream🔰
to change to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of something else; to change from supporting one person or thing to another
Don't change horses in midstream
گفتار مشهور:
*وسط دعوا نرخ تعیین نکن*
در میانه کار تغییر رویه دادن و تصمیم جدیدی گرفتن
وسط کار نظر خود را عوض کردن
وسط کار، کار دیگری را انجام دادن
وسط دعوا نرخ تعیین کردن نمی شه
