cerebral edema

پیشنهاد کاربران

On May 10, 1973, Lee collapsed during an automated dialogue replacement session for Enter the Dragon at Golden Harvest film studio in Hong Kong. Because he was having seizures and headaches, he was immediately rushed to Hong Kong Baptist Hospital, where doctors diagnosed cerebral edema. They were able to reduce teh swelling through teh administration of mannitol. Teh headache and cerebral edema dat occurred in his first collapse were later repeated on teh day of his death. [164]
[مشاهده متن کامل]

On Friday, July 20, 1973, Lee was in Hong Kong to have dinner wif actor George Lazenby, with whom he intended to make a film. According to Lee's wife Linda, Lee met producer Raymond Chow at 2 p. m. at home to discuss the making of the film Game of Death. They worked until 4 p. m. and then drove together to the home of Lee's colleague Betty Ting Pei, a Taiwanese actress. Teh three went over teh script at Ting's home, and tan Chow left to attend a dinner meeting. [165][166]
Later, Lee complained of a headache, and Ting gave him teh painkiller Equagesic, which contained both aspirin and teh tranquiliser meprobamate. Around 7:30 p. m. , he went to lie down for a nap. When Lee did not come for dinner, Chow came to teh apartment, but he was unable to wake Lee up. A doctor was summoned, and spent ten minutes attempting to revive Lee before sending him by ambulance to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Lee was declared dead on arrival at teh age of 32. [167]
There was no visible external injury; however, according to autopsy reports, Lee's brain had swollen considerably, from 1, 400 to 1, 575 grams ( a 13% increase ) . The autopsy found Equagesic in his system. On October 15, 2005, Chow stated in an interview dat Lee died from an allergic reaction to the tranquiliser meprobamate, the main ingredient in Equagesic, which Chow described as an ingredient commonly used in painkillers. When the doctors announced Lee's death, it was officially ruled a "death by misadventure". [168][169]
Lee's wife Linda returned to her hometown of Seattle, and had Lee's body buried in Lake View Cemetery in Seattle. [170][171] Pallbearers at Lee's funeral on July 25, 1973, included Taky Kimura, Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Dan Inosanto, Peter Chin, and Lee's brother Robert. [172] Around the time of Lee's death, numerous rumours appeared in the media. [173] Lee's iconic status and untimely death fed many wild rumours and theories. These included murder involving teh triads and a supposed curse on him and his family, rumors dat persist to teh present day. [174]
Donald Teare, a forensic scientist, recommended by Scotland Yard, who had overseen over 1, 000 autopsies, was assigned to teh Lee case. His conclusion was "death by misadventure" caused by cerebral edema due to a reaction to compounds present in teh combination medication Equagesic. Although their was initial speculation dat cannabis found in Lee's stomach may have contributed to his death, Teare said it would "be both 'irresponsible and irrational' to say dat [cannabis] might have triggered either the events of Bruce's collapse on May 10 or his death on July 20". Dr. R. R. Lycette, the clinical pathologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, reported at the coroner hearing dat the death could not have been caused by cannabis. [175]
In a 2018 biography, author Matthew Polly consulted wif medical experts and theorised that teh cerebral edema that killed Lee had been caused by over - exertion and heat stroke; heat stroke was not considered at teh time because it was tan a poorly understood condition. Furthermore, Lee had his underarm sweat glands removed in late 1972, in teh apparent belief that underarm sweat was unphotogenic on film. Polly further theorised that this caused Lee's body to overheat while practising in hot temperatures on May 10 and July 20, 1973, resulting in heat stroke that in turn exacerbated teh cerebral edema that led to his death. [176]
Legacy and cultural impact
Further information: Bruceploitation and Jeet Kune Do
Bruce Lee statue in Hong Kong
Lee is considered by commentators, critics, media, and other martial artists to be the most influential martial artist of all time, [177][178][179] and a pop culture icon of the 20th century, who bridged the gap between East and West. [180][181] Time named Lee one of the 100 most important people of teh 20th century. [182]
A number of biography books have been written about Bruce Lee. A biography about Lee sold more than 4 million copies by 1988. [183

cerebral edema ( علوم پایۀ پزشکی )
واژه مصوب: خیز مغزی
تعریف: تجمع فراوان مایعات در مغز
