catch a break

پیشنهاد کاربران

Catch a break means to have a stroke of luck or a fortunate opportunity, especially after a period of difficulty or misfortune. It implies getting a chance to succeed or improve one's situation.
✍️ "یه فرصتی گیر آوردن" یا "یه موفقیت کم یاب یافتن"/ داشتن شانس یا فرصت خوشایندی است، بخصوص پس از یک دوره دشواری یا بدشانسی. این عبارت به دست آوردن فرصتی برای موفقیت یا بهبود وضعیت اشاره دارد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Get lucky: to experience luck or fortune
Seize an opportunity: to take advantage of a chance that arises
Hit a stroke of luck: to unexpectedly have good luck
After months of job searching, he finally caught a break and got hired by his dream company.
She was hoping to catch a break and win the lottery to pay off her debts.
The struggling artist caught a break when a famous gallery offered to feature his work.

کمی خوش گذرانی داشتن
To have some good luck
روز خوش به خود دیدن
شانس آوردن، با شانس همراه بودن
I just can't seem to catch a break. شانسم نداریم.
If we can catch a break with the goalkeeping, we might just win the championshipاگه درمورد دربازه بان شانس بامون باشه، قهرمانیم
رهایی یافتن، خلاص شدن
Example : Realmadrid can’t catch a break with injuries
فرصت به دست اورد
