can't help it

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• it is beyond my control, can't do it any other way

پیشنهاد کاربران

جلوگیری کردن از کاری، متوقف کردن کاری، دست خود نبودن، قابل کنترل خود نبودن
Stop laughing!" "I can’t help it!"
She couldn’t help it if she was being irrational. ‘
Stop biting your nails. ’ ‘I can’t help it. ’
معنای دوستان
✅دست خودم نیست
✅نمی تونم انجامش ندم
- When someone says “I can't help it, ” or "I can't help doing it, ” it's a way of saying that they don't want to do a particular thing because they know it's not good, but they can't stop themselves from doing it
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- to not be able to control or stop something
. e. g
?Can you feel me when I think about you🎶
With every breath I take🎵
Every minute, no matter what I do🎼
My world is an empty place🎶
Like I've been wandering the desert🎵
For a thousand days, oh🎼
Don't know if it's a mirage🎶
But I always see your face, baby🎵
I'm missing you so much🎼
Can't help it, I'm in love🎶
A day without you is like a year without rain🎵
I need you by my side🎼
Don't know how I'll survive🎶
A day without you is like a year without rain🎵
Whoa, oh🎼
The stars are burning🎶
I hear your voice in my mind🎵
?Can't you hear me calling🎼
My heart is yearning🎶
Like the ocean that's running dry🎵
Catch me, I'm falling🎼
It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet🎶
?Won't you save me🎵
There's gonna be a monsoon🎼
When you get back to me, oh, baby🎶
I'm missing you so much🎵
Can't help it, I'm in love🎼
A day without you is like a year without rain🎶
I need you by my side🎵
Don't know how I'll survive🎼
A day without you is like a year without rain🎶
Whoa, oh🎶
"A Year Without Rain"
Song by Selena Gomez & The Scene

کاری از دست کسی ساخته نیست
کاری غیر قابل کنترل ناتوانی از انجام دادن کاری مثل خوردن خوراکی برای یک فرد عاشق خوارکی
نمی تونم انجامش ندم ( یک امری رو انجام ندم ) .
I can�t help eating chocolate. ) من نمی تونم شیرینی نخورم )
دست خودم نیست، نمی دونم دیگه چیکار کنم باهاش.
