can't do something to save your life

پیشنهاد کاربران

The expression "can't do something to save your life" is an exaggerated way of conveying that someone is completely inept at a particular task. It emphasizes a person's extreme lack of ability in performing a specific action.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

تعبیر "can't do something to save your life" روشی اغراق آمیز برای بیان این موضوع است که فردی در یک کار خاص کاملا ناتوان است. بر عدم توانایی شدید فرد در انجام یک عمل خاص تأکید می کند، عاجز و ناتوان بودن در انجام کاری، از پس کاری بر نیامدن
I'm never nervous at exams, but I can't study to save my life.
He can't sing to save his life, but he's a good guitarist.
Ugh, this art assignment is so annoying—I can't draw an apple to save my life.

