cake face

پیشنهاد کاربران

When someone’s makeup is applied in a thick and heavy manner, often resulting in a cake - like appearance, it is referred to as a “cake face”. This term is used to describe makeup looks that are overly done and may not look natural.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

آرایش شخصی به صورت غلیظ و سنگین، که اغلب ظاهری شبیه کیک ایجاد می کند، به آن "cake face" می گویند.
این اصطلاح برای توصیف آرایش هایی افراطی استفاده که ممکن است طبیعی به نظر نرسند.
“She’s wearing so much makeup, she’s got a cake face. ”
A makeup critic might say, “Her foundation is so heavy, she’s got a total cake face. ”
A friend might jokingly say, “You’ve got a cake face on today, what’s the occasion?”

cake face
