burst your bubble

پیشنهاد کاربران

Sorry to burst your Bubble : بابت ضدحال متاسفم ( متأسفم که حقیقت با اون چیزیکه فکر میکردی زمین تا آسمون فرق داره - یعنی داشتی اشتباه میکردی تا حالا - داشتی قیمه هارو میرختی تو ماستا و من حقیقت رو بهت گفتم و الان میدونی که افکارت دریت نبوده و ناراحتی )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

🔴to say or do something that shows someone that their beliefs are false, or that what they want to happen will not happen :
He was so happy about marrying Maria Luisa, I couldn't◀️ burst his bubble
I hate to burst your bubble, but that's never going to◀️ happen
🌠 To burst someone's bubble is to reveal something to them that they were unaware or ignorant of, often in the form of bad news. However, it doesn't necessarily have to be something negative ( see example 2 )
Example 1: Sorry to burst your bubble, but your "perfect" girlfriend is cheating on you with Dave.
Example 2: Sorry to burst your bubble, but pearls are not formed from compressed coal. You're thinking of diamonds.
shatter someone's illusions about something or destroy their sense of well - being

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