
پیشنهاد کاربران

Bropropriating is a term used in the context of feminism to describe a situation where a man takes credit for a woman's idea. It is similar to "hepeating, " where a woman suggests an idea and is ignored, but the same idea is praised when a man suggests it. Bropropriating mostly occurs in professional settings
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاحی در زمینه فمینیسم برای توصیف وضعیتی که در آن یک مرد، اعتبار ایده یک زن را به نفع خود کسب می کند. شبیه hepeating است که در آن زن ایده ای را پیشنهاد می کند ولی نادیده گرفته می شود، اما وقتی مردی آن را پیشنهاد می کند، همان ایده مورد تحسین قرار می گیرد.
During the meeting, John bropropriated Sarah’s idea and presented it as his own.
In a conversation about workplace dynamics, someone might share their experience, saying, “I often feel like my ideas are bropropriated by male colleagues. ”
An article might discuss the impact of bropropriating on women’s career advancement, stating, “Bropropriating undermines women’s contributions and perpetuates gender inequality in the workplace. ”
