
پیشنهاد کاربران

تظاهر کردن به بی پولی و نداری در حالی که فرد متظاهر دارا هست: )
rokeback fishing is indeed a term used to describe the practice of pretending to have less money than you really do, in order to trick another person into buying things for you. This can be seen as a form of manipulation or exploitation, and it's not a very honest or ethical behavior.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

توصیف عملی که کسی وانمود می کند که پول کمی دارد، به منظور فریب دادن شخص دیگری برای خرید چیزی برای او.
این را می توان نوعی سوءاستفاده یا استثمار دانست، و این یک رفتار خیلی صادقانه یا اخلاقی نیست.
She's been brokefishing her friends by pretending to be broke and then asking them for loans.
He's been accused of brokefishing his family by lying about his financial situation and asking for help.
The practice of brokefishing has become a common issue among friends, with some people taking advantage of others' kindness.

