bring something home

پیشنهاد کاربران

مطلبی را روشن ساختن برای کسی - حالی کردن موضوعی به شخصی
bring ( something ) home
1. Literally, to come home with something, such as a gift or treat ( for someone ) .
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- I knew you were sad to miss the dinner party, so brought a dessert home to you.
- My dad travels a lot for work, but he always brings home presents from the places he visits.
2. To cause something to be more intimately acknowledged, recognized, or understood ( by someone ) .
- The doctor's lecture about lung cancer really brought the dangers of smoking home.
- Her passionate speech about the environment brought the importance of conservation efforts home to me.
3. To do what is necessary to see something through to completion.
- The companies are hoping to bring the deal home before the end of the fiscal year.
- OK, everyone, we're so close to wrapping up this project. Let's all knuckle down and bring it home!
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