break into applause

پیشنهاد کاربران

یهویی و بصورت هیجانی و احساسی شروع به کف زدن و تشویق کردن
You can use it when you want to express a sudden and enthusiastic applause or response from a group of people.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

💠 It was at this point the home fans threw their support behind Germany, cheering passing moves and even breaking into applause for Schurrle's goal.
💠 The officers broke into applause as Haiduk read them an order from Kiev removing Berezovsky from his position, and told them that Berezovsky was facing treason charges.
💠 Israel isolated as UN security council demands immediate ceasefire in Gaza
. . . Israeli PM cancels White House visit by two ministers and says US ‘abandoned its policy in the UN’ after abstaining on vote
. . . The US abstained and the 14 other council members all voted in favour of the security council ceasefire resolution, put forward by the 10 elected council members who voiced their frustration with more than five months of deadlock between the major powers. Applause broke out in the chamber after the vote.
You can use it when you want to express a sudden and enthusiastic applause or response from a group of people.
💠 When the band finished its last song, the audience burst into applause.
- a show of approval or appreciation at a play, speech, sporting event, etc. , in which people strike their hands together over and over
- a period of time during which people are clapping
💠 The singer got a big round of applause.
💠 The audience gave the performers a big round of applause.
