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• motion picture about a scottish hero played by mel gibson

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This term refers to someone who displays great bravery and courage, often in the face of adversity. It is derived from the movie “Braveheart” which tells the story of William Wallace, a Scottish warrior who fought against English oppression.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

کسی که غالباً در مواجهه با ناملایمات، شجاعت و دلاوری زیادی از خود نشان می دهد.
این فیلم برگرفته از فیلم �شجاع دل� است که داستان ویلیام والاس، یک جنگجوی اسکاتلندی را روایت می کند که علیه ظلم انگلیسی می جنگید.
He charged into battle like a true Braveheart.
In a discussion about acts of heroism, someone might say, “She showed the heart of a Braveheart in rescuing those trapped in the burning building. ”
When describing someone’s fearless actions, one might comment, “He’s a true Braveheart, always standing up for what’s right. ”

شجاع دل
