
پیشنهاد کاربران

Brain - dead : صفت هست
۱. کسی که به علت مرگ مغزی مرده
۲. شوت، گاکول، احمق لول آخر، کودن تمام عیار، شاسکول، ابله، خرفت
Brain death : مرگ مغزی ( اسم )
adjective :
🔴having suffered brain death.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️ "brain - dead patients"
🔴extremely stupid.
◀️ "the brain - dead politics of the past"
Literally, when somebody's brain has stopped functioning such that they will never regain conciousness, hence coloquially somebody who is idiotic, dumb or clueless beyond belief. Similar to "too stupid to live".
You dented my car, you braindead fuck!
When you smoke so much pot through out your life that you become really stupid.
Synonym: Vegetable
Joe:Poor guy, he smoked way to much pot.
Bill:He's quite the vegetable.
Joe:Maybe we should wipe up the drool from his chin?
Bill:Naw, he is braindead, he will just keep drooling
Brain - dead : صفت هست
۱. کسی که به علت مرگ مغزی مرده
۲. شوت، گاکول، احمق لول آخر، کودن تمام عیار، شاسکول، ابله، خرفت
Brain death : مرگ مغزی ( اسم )
adjective :
🔴having suffered brain death.
◀️ "brain - dead patients"
🔴extremely stupid.
◀️ "the brain - dead politics of the past"
Literally, when somebody's brain has stopped functioning such that they will never regain conciousness, hence coloquially somebody who is idiotic, dumb or clueless beyond belief. Similar to "too stupid to live".
You dented my car, you braindead fuck!
When you smoke so much pot through out your life that you become really stupid.
Synonym: Vegetable
Joe:Poor guy, he smoked way to much pot.
Bill:He's quite the vegetable.
Joe:Maybe we should wipe up the drool from his chin?
Bill:Naw, he is braindead, he will just keep drooling

شل مغز - احمق
مرگ مغزی
extremely stupid.
