bottle something up

پیشنهاد کاربران

می ریزی توی خودت
احساساتت رو فرو می خوری
سرکوب کردنِ عواطف
خودخوری کردن
When a person bottles things up, they refuse to talk about things that make them angry or worried
امتناع از صحبت کردن به دلیل آن که این کار موجب عصبانیت یا نگرانی آنان می شود، فرو خوردن غم و غصه و عدم بروز آنها
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Feelings that had been bottled up for years came flooding out
“He bottled up his anger and frustration for years”
“Lily’s bottled - up fury was about to explode”
“She had to stay bottled up in New York for a few more days”
