body shaming

پیشنهاد کاربران

This refers to the act of mocking, criticizing, or making negative comments about someone’s physical appearance, often focusing on aspects such as weight, size, or shape. Body shaming can have detrimental effects on a person’s self - esteem and body image.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

تمسخر، انتقاد، یا اظهار نظر منفی در مورد ظاهر فیزیکی شخصی، اغلب بر جنبه هایی مانند وزن، اندازه یا شکل تمرکز می شود.
تَن شَرمی می تواند اثرات مضری بر عزت نفس و تصویر بدن فرد داشته باشد.
For instance, someone might say, “You shouldn’t wear that dress, it makes you look fat. ”
Body shaming can also occur online, with comments like, “You’re too skinny, eat a burger!”
In a conversation about body positivity, someone might argue, “Body shaming perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards and harms individuals’ mental health. ”

body shaming
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