blue silk

پیشنهاد کاربران

Blue Silk is a term used to refer to synthetic stimulants, which are a type of psychoactive drug that stimulates the central nervous system. These drugs are often sold as bath salts or plant food and can have effects similar to amphetamines or cocaine.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاحی است برای اشاره به محرک های صناعی که نوعی مواد روانگردان هستند که سیستم عصبی مرکزی را تحریک می کند.
این مواد اغلب به عنوان نمک حمام یا غذای گیاهی فروخته می شوند و می توانند اثراتی مشابه آمفتامین ها یا کوکائین داشته باشند.
I took some Blue Silk and felt a surge of energy and heightened alertness.
In a discussion about drug addiction, someone might share, “I struggled with Blue Silk addiction for years before seeking help. ”
A news article might report, “Blue Silk abuse is on the rise, leading to increased hospitalizations. ”
