blithering idiot

پیشنهاد کاربران

an extremely stupid person
یک فرد فوق العاده احمق
The politician's response to the crisis was so confusing and incoherent that he was called a "blithering idiot" by the press.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

After the CEO's bizarre press conference, many people took to social media to call him a "blithering idiot" for his lack of clear leadership.
The scientist was shocked when his colleague, who was supposed to be an expert in the field, came up with a proposal that was so flawed and illogical it was considered a "blithering idiot"
کلمات مترادف؛
Complete moron
Utter numpty
Inane fool
Clueless buffoon
Brain - dead nincompoop

