
پیشنهاد کاربران

BIPOC is an acronym that stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. It is used to refer to individuals and communities who are marginalized based on their race or ethnicity. The term is often used in discussions about social justice and inclusivity.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

BIPOC مخفف کلمات سیاه/Black، بومی/Indigenous و مردم رنگین پوست/People of Color است. اشاره به افراد و جوامعی که بر اساس نژاد یا قومیت خود به حاشیه رانده شده اند. این اصطلاح اغلب در بحث های مربوط به عدالت اجتماعی و نفع همگانی به کار می رود.
We need to prioritize the needs of BIPOC communities in our policies.
In a conversation about representation, someone might ask, “Are there enough BIPOC voices in this industry?”
A social media post might read, “Supporting BIPOC - owned businesses is important for economic equity. ”

Black, Indigenous, and people of color
سیاه پوست، بومی، و رنگین پوست
سیاهپوستان و بومیان رنگین پوست
سیاهپوست، رنگین پوست و بومی
